Magenest GiftCard

Gift Card Free version for Magento 2 provides all necessary tools such as drag-and-drop card builder tools to attract customers to purchase gift cards.

  1. Create and sell gift card products

  2. Customize gift card templates

  3. Manage gift card codes and their usage

  4. Drag-and-drop card builder tools for customers

  5. Customers can personalize gift card details

Create gift card templates

  1. Choose a color for the title and value and other text fields of the card

  2. Add an accompanying personal and meaningful message to send to the customer's friends and family

  3. Add main images and background images to create a visual design for the gift card

Create and sell gift cards

  1. Create a new product in Magento 2 with a product type called "Gift Card"

  2. With Gift Cards for Magento online store you can choose from 3 pricing schemes to set the value for the gift card that customers will buy

  3. Set an expiry date for the gift card

  4. Apply different templates to the gift card product

  5. Add images and background images to the gift card product

  6. Set a fixed price for the gift card so customers can only buy the existing gift card

  7. Create a set of fixed prices so customers can have more leeway when choosing from a fixed list

  8. Create a price range so customers can choose any price within that range, giving them even more freedom

  9. Choose between two gift card design modes

Drag and Drop card builder - Give customers the power to design a gift card from scratch

  1. When viewing a gift card on the Magento 2 product page, customers can choose the option to design the card on their own

  2. Customers can easily add elements including texts and images to the gift cards, drag and drop them around to edit the layout and change the text effects (font type, font size, font style, font color, background, opacity, and font decoration)

  3. Customers might use existing images from the store or add upload images from their own computer

  4. Customers might use available tools to make the design process faster, such as clear all content, layer positioning, flip and center alignment

  5. After the design has been completed, customers can download the gift card design or buy these gift cards right within the design menu

  6. Customers might choose to buy any number of gift cards

Allow customers to add personal information to gift cards

  1. Set an email template and email sender name to use for sending gift cards to recipients

  2. Add more personal information to the email with sender name, recipient name,

  3. Add messages and catchy headlines to send to their beloved

  4. Choose a specific time and date to send the gift cards to their beloved. This ensures the gift card and the message is sent to the recipient on their special occasion, making them even more meaningful

Manage gift card codes and their usage status

  1. Create a code pattern to generate gift card code for customers

  2. Manage all coupons and their usage status within Magento 2 back-end

  3. Track coupon code, expiry date and gift card balance to see how much anyone have used from their gift card

  4. Enable and disable any gift card from back-end

  5. See gift card recipient information to study their spending behavior

Full list of features for Magento 2 Gift Card

  1. Create unlimited gift card templates

  2. Add images to gift card design

  3. Apply gift card templates to gift card products

  4. Allow customers to choose gift card values with different pricing schemes

  5. Set gift card expiry date

  6. Allow customers to design gift cards by themselves using a drag and drop tool

  7. Add text, text effects and images to gift card builder

  8. Send email containing gift cards to recipients

  9. Automatically generate gift card codes

  10. Track gift card status, balance and recipient info

Last updated